Tuesday, May 30, 2006


Spring AOP Presentation 4 April 2006

A well done presentation describing the simplicity Spring brings to programming of J2EE apps, with focus on AOP.


a) Dependency injection :
e.g. pass the external dependency object in the constructor of the class; this can let unit test happen in a simple way with mock implementation; another
Another example is 'setter' injection
b) Inversion of control framework:
IOC means "inversion of responsibility with regard to how an object obtains references to collaborating objects; Applying IoC, objects are given their dependencies at creation time by some external entity that coordinates each object in the system."

Spring provides construction, injection and lifecycle management for objects and their dependencies.
To achieve loose coupling between different objects / behaviors supported

Use of mock DAOs allows easy unit test with lose coupling

A few AOP concepts were revised...

All the aspects of the program and coupling: the intention is to do them inside the xml file.

The consultant referred to his website for examples discussion in talk:


Few other points:

a) Sprint makes it much easier to work with hibernate with easy bootstrapping

b) Use of AOP allows declarative transaction mgmt
(Enclose function calls within transaction begin and transaction end)
Can describe in config file which methods need transaction support
e.g. use of "transaction interceptor"

Presentation was easy to follow with sequence diagrams of procedure calls

c) Security framework
Thread local info of user etc. for security
(More needed here)

d) Spring makes objects "Remoteable"

Overall very good presentation to go thru the concepts of the framework

http://www.springframework.org is another useful reference site

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